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Polish to Begin with: Lesson 16

Today we are talking about food and we introduce the first case – Accusative.

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We have lots of food. = Mamy dużo jedzenia.
fridge = lodówka
What’s in our fridge? = Co jest w naszej lodówce?
milk = mleko
jam = dżem
ham = szynka
meat = mięso
vegetables = warzywa
carrot = marchewka
radish = rzodkiewka
onion = cebula
cabbage = kapusta
potatoes = ziemniaki
fruit = owoce
apple = jabłko
banana = banan
orange = pomarańcza
orange juice = sok pomarańczowy
In the fridge we have vegetables and fruit. = W lodówce mamy warzywa i owoce.
In the fridge we have butter, meat and milk. W lodówce mamy masło, mięso i mleko.
In the fridge we have juice, jam and yogurt. = W lodówce mamy sok, dżem i jogurt.
In the fridge we have sausage, ham and carrot. = W lodówce mamy kiełbasę, szynkę i marchewkę.
I like. = Lubię.
I like radish. = Lubię rzodkiewkę.
I like meat. = Lubię mięso.
I like bread. = Lubię chleb.
I like vegetables. = Lubię warzywa.
I like eating. = Lubię jeść.


Anna is a language teacher. You can email her at anna@bloggypolish.co.uk

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