Polish to Polish: Lekcja 17 (Język Strajku Kobiet)
Have you ever seen any “bad words” in a Polish language textbook? No. Trust me, fat chance of that. Yet, so called ‘bad words’ are also part of a language and you don’t speak Polish if you don’t know the word ‘kurwa’. So in this podcast you will learn some of the words we all need when we get very angry. And if you would like to know why women in Poland got lately very, very angry, watch Vox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmSXB7ukH4M or listen to this Guardian podcast: https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2020/dec/03/three-women-on-their-fight-for-abortion-rights-in-poland-podcast Or listen to this amazing song at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngjWM3I6VRs&has_verified=1 And when listening to our podcast, it’s best if you look at the lyrics at…
Polish to Polish: Lekcja 16 (Jesień)
Autumn has started so we talk a bit about the weather – a great chance to improve your complaing skills in Polish (crucial). We might loose our pessimistic approach somewhere towards the end of the episode when we read one of Tuwim’s poems. To work a little more on this lovely poem, print this exercise:
Polish to Polish: Lekcja 15 (Zdjęcia)
In this podcast we are trying to tell you about everything that has happened in the last 10 years. We obviously fail but hey, at least we do it in Polish so see how much you can understand. Listen here: Or here: And if you would like to plan a Polish language lesson via Skype or Zoom, contact us at anna@bloggypolish.co.uk
Polish to Polish: Lesson 14 (Dzieci)
We’re back, so to listen to our new podcast click here.
Polish to Polish: Lesson 13 (Przesądy)
Lesson 13 couldn’t be on time obviously! So we talk today about superstitions in Polish culture.
Polish to Polish: Lesson 12 (Andrzejki)
A week ago was 29th of November – Andrzejki. Do you know what Andrzejki is all about?
Polish to Polish: Lesson 11 (Przeciętny Polak)
Today we talk about avarage Poles. What do they eat? What’s their favourite colour? And other really strange statistics. Download from here.
Polish to Polish: Lesson 10 (Kuchnia polska)
Today we talk about Polish cuisine. To download click here. And below you will find Anna’s recipe for „Pierogi ruskie”. Pierogi ruskiePierogi ruskie are dumplings everyone in Poland knows. It takes some time to prepare them. Actually, I have an impression that in Poland you make them to keep children busy. Ask your friends – wasn’t “lepienie pierogów” the first thing they were allowed to do in the kitchen? It was for me.There are probably as many recipes as many Polish families, but I prepare them the way my grandma taught me, which is:Ingredients:for the pastry:• Flour (one glass)• Egg (1)• 1/2 teaspoon salt or even less• Warm water (1/3…
Polish to Polish: Lesson 9 (Wakacje)
In this Bloggy Polish to Polish podcast we are talking about holidays.As we are planning holidays ourselves there will be some silence at Bloggy Polish for a while 🙂 Click here to download.
Polish to Polish: Read to Learn (Kochanowski)
Jan Kochanowski urodził się w 1530, a zmarł w 1584 roku. Jest najbardziej znanym polskim poetą epoki renesansu. Bywa nazywany „ojcem poezji polskiej”, co jest dużym uproszczeniem, ponieważ polska poezja istniała już w czasach średniowiecza. Na pewno jednak był świetnym twórcą, jednym z najlepszych polskich poetów.Jan Kochanowski znany jest chyba najbardziej ze swoich Trenów, Pieśni i Fraszek.Treny Kochanowskiego to utwory opłakujące jego córeczkę, Urszulę, która zmarła jako dziecko.Pieśni to tom utworów nawiązujących do Carmina Horacego.Fraszki to zbiór krótkich wierszowanych utworów, zwykle żartobliwych i ironicznych o celnej puencie. Kochanowski pisał też jednak fraszki na poważne, filozoficzne tematy takie jak śmierć czy sens ludzkiego życia.Jedną z bardziej znanych fraszek Kochanowskiego jest fraszka:…